
Thursday, June 14

Let's Get Personal


So I thought with the recent influx of followers it would be a good time to do a "get to know me" post of sorts.

Here are some things you might not know about me after taking a quick glance at my blog:

For some reason, I can't be quiet when the situation calls for it. When Carter was younger it would take a serious marathon of squats/bouncing/rocking/singing/white noise and binky-losing-and-replacing to get him to fall asleep. And then, the slightest little noise would sabotage the whole event. Anytime Tom was trying to put him to sleep I would either step on the one creaky spot on the floor of our bedroom, kick a musical toy or knock over a block tower. I'm not typically a clumsy person, but when it came to Carter being aalllmmoosst  asleep, all my coordination went out the window.

I hate, hate, hate the smell of laundry detergent (uuugghhh, why must it be so strong?? no matter what, every time I run outside, my neighbors are doing their laundry and that's all I can smell. It seriously turns my stomach. If I had to choose a scent, it would be some vanilla-y kind of smell and none of this fake "fresh" scent nonsense). 

Alright, now for the real honesty.

Don't judge me for this one...

I sometimes daydream that *NSYNC has a reunion tour and that all of my friends, cousins and I rent a huge limo, buy tons of champagne, get front row seats right next to the stage and sing our hearts out to I Want You Back and It Makes Me Ill . This reminds me, we all had a pretty awesome choreographed dance to I Want You Back, back in the day. We would perform it at the beach for our parents; once four of us performed it at a summer basketball camp to 500 people (we were so cool).

(Tom definitely just judged me for writing that. I don't care. It's the truth, I'm not ashamed.)

Oh, and here's my cooking mishap for the night:

+I burned green beans. Who does that?? That's like the easiest food not to burn.

I already have another cooking mishap to share, but I think it deserves to stand alone so I'll save it for my next post ; ) Next time I'll try to take a picture. I think I'm going to start photographing all of my food disasters. They'll probably make you feel like a really good cook.

That's all I have for you.

Bye, bye, bye.



  1. My husband cannot for the life of him be quiet, especially when he opens or closes doors. To me, its like hes almost slamming them. Drives me insane.

    I think that laundry soap always smells to perfumated. I love unscented stuff, its awesome.


    I am still waiting for NSYNC to go back on tour as well...that was my first concert. I had all of my walls plastered with their posters. I almost cried when my favorite, Lance, came out as gay. IT WAS ALL A LIE! lol

    Congrats on getting over 100 followers in less than a week! Crazy stuff! And thanks for including me in your influx of followers...I am up to 83 now!

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

    1. Thank you!! We DEFINITELY were meant to be friends. Let's make a deal. The day they get back together we'll meet in REAL LIFE (haha) and we'll go!!!

    2. YES!!! That's an absolute deal!!! I am dead serious!

  3. Haha I love that you burned green beans!!! I am not a great cooker either. Luckily my husband is easy to please. (:

    Yes!!! NSYNC reunion!!! I am down!! (:

  4. Um, I would LOVE it if N'Sync reunited! Love them :)
    And I totally burned green beans once. I was so embarrassed!

  5. NSync reunion is probably my greatest wish.


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