The excitement of the aquarium was short-lived (Carter asked to go home like an hour into it). Such is life with a 4 year old. Their ideas are so much better than yours. But so far I love 4. Just like I've loved every age. Although 3 and 4 have been my absolute favorite. The best part so far of being a parent, for me, is the inquisitive, hilarious conversations. The boy makes me laugh hysterically at least three times a day, and he's always surprising me with what he knows and the depth of his questions. Every night Tom and I spend at least 10-15 minutes just talking about all the funny things Carter said that day.
After the aquarium we went Legal's for lunch since it's right across the street and then we ventured to Quincy Market to grab some cupcakes for Carter's birthday. He chose Oreo ones from Carol Ann's Bake Shop. They were good!
On our anniversary we got to spend a bunch of time together while my parents had Carter. We went out to eat and since we are so adventurous we even spent some time at Home Depot and Barnes & Noble, where I picked up this new
Speaking of things that entertain me. Have you seen Grace and Frankie on Netflix yet? It was new for May and I binge watched the whole season. That's the only way I watch anything. I don't typically have time for lots of extra TV during my regular schedule, so on slow days I just pack in as much as I can. ; )
Another thing I'm excited about on Netflix is season 3 of OITNB. It will be here on June 12th! Ah, don't all scream at once. It's another binge-watcher. I just read an article about the phenomenon of binge-watching. It was interesting, but I didn't read enough of it (or read it deeply enough) to really relay anything of use to you. Sorry about that. Such is internet skimming.
On that note, I shall leave you with this:
1 comment:
I've had a little trouble signing in, but I'll try one more time. Your experience with Carter was so similar to one we had with Paul when he was probably the same age. Southwicks Wild Animal Farm was our destination and he was so excited, but when we began our tour, he did not like the smell of the animals. So he surprised us by asking if we could buy some chips and go and eat them in the car. The chips were good! Not sure if you've heard of this online study, but I wanted to suggest it to you: Very cool, let me know what you think.
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